Strange times indeed.

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Wow -- it must be SO surreal to come back after such a long time away. It was weird for me, and despite all our lockdowns I was at the office for all but five months over last spring and summer. Didn't you miss your sweater? LOL

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This is so vivid! You capture the year that was and wasn't so perfectly. "What the hell happened to us?" My God, yes.

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"... shocked, masked ..."

Hmmmm ... Yep. We are baffled and awakened again and again. Thank you for writing this down, Elizabeth.

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This was just like the most powerful poem encompassing the last year. The detail of the lipstick next to the hand sanitizer made me catch my breath and reminded me of that scene in Handmaid's Tale where she's hanging out in the abandoned newsroom and there's a DVD of Friends. The life before ...

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Wow. That is just about the perfect sum-up.

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