I was saddened to read about your mother's illness and hope that she can beat it and that you pull through this trial as well. That uplifting birthday photo of Sophie is so special. It's a also a nudge to me to celebrate my Haya's upcoming 27th birthday in some way. I always gloss over it because she is totally unaware. You are an inspiration to us all!

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Now that you've mentioned Haya, I remember her and you! The Frimet Roth part has been what's thrown me off. I am so glad to put faces to your words. And happy birthday to Haya. I hope ya'll are well and would love to catch up!

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

What a fabulous photo of your beautiful Sophie!! Happy Birthday to her, and to you (it is, after all, a celebration of the birth-day, of the birthing . . . and who did that work?). I am so sorry to hear of your mom's diagnosis. Sending love and light her way and yours. ❤️✨❤️

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Sophie looks so happy in her birthday picture. I am glad for that. I am sad to read about your mom's fucking cancer. Sending all the healing blessings to her and love to you and the family. x0x0 N2

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Thank you Nancy!

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Oh no. To carry the weight of all of this, it's just so ... (I want to say unfair or undeserved or just damn sucks but that's always true, isn't it? of the awful things of life). Your mother will have space in my thoughts today during a quiet hour when the stars are out, and Sophie for her birthday, too.

I used to get tiny little holes on all my shirts near the waistline. I thought it was moths for the longest time (but why that one spot???) but concluded it was where I rubbed against the counter because I spend so much time in the kitchen. It seems a long shot but is there any place your shirts habitually get chafed in that one spot?

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Oh my gosh, yes. This is why I love this format of putting our thoughts out into the ether and the weird community that arises. I've thought about that particular place below my elbow as a chafe point, too, because it's where I rest my arms when I type. But then, why not on the right side? Do I favor my left? Do I type more on the left side of the qwerty board?

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Now I'm going to spend all day thinking about this! I tend to lean on my left elbow a lot when I'm working, because as a copy editor I have to spend a lot of time just staring and scrolling rather than typing.

A few years ago I went to the doctor with really awful pain on the ball of my left foot. Couldn't figure it out but it felt like something was broken and I eventually went for an X-ray, which showed nothing. I finally figured it out one day while riding my bike: At that time, my kids and I were riding bikes to school mostly instead of walking, and every time we stopped, I put my left foot down on the ground pretty hard (I wear thin-soled leather boots outside of winter, so there's not a lot of cushion). Once I realized that, I started being gentler and the pain went away. I think I must have been bruising the bone or something. It is *so weird* sometimes what we do with our bodies without even realizing it.

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That IS weird, and I'm going to think about it for a while, too. The body talks to us.

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Such beautiful flowers for your mother opening this moving post. Once, years after my mother had died, I discovered I had moths in my home and I thought of her, my moth-er, who knit wool socks, mittens and sweaters, who would not have been happy with the presence of indoor moths either.

Sending love and prayers to you and your mother and all of your strong loving family, especially lovely Sophie on her 27th birthday. Her smile brings joy to this day, her day. Coincidentally, someone left a small stained glass mermaid on the free table of the mailroom of the condominium where I live. I'm going back now to see if it is still there. (It is! The mermaid is sitting on a crescent moon)

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Thank you so much for this wonderful comment and the mermaid!

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

Happy birthday Sophie! What a beautiful photo of her. And I am sorry to hear about your mother; I send prayers that the best that can be, will be. And I send love.

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Thank you so much. I love your prayer -- yes, to that.

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

Big hard strong hopeful wishes for your mum. And what a truly beautiful daughter you have.

When I read about anti maskers and anti vaxers, there's only one word that comes to mind. Oh wait, two words: whining ninnies.

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Thank you, Sabine. I think in much stronger terms.

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

Sophie smiling in her birthday room. I am staying with that. And I continue to pray for your mother. With love.

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Thank you, dearest Jody.

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

We had a moth infestation last week. Every night I'd lie in bed and Glen would kill as many as he could. Suddenly, they are gone. How I wish every problem could be dealt with that easily. Although I do realize they have probably all made baby moths which will reappear at some point. And so much of life is like this- we think, well, glad THAT'S over.

The news about your mother is just devastating. I am so sorry.

Life just seems to be overwhelming right now and as we try our hardest to keep the ones we love safe and secure, we know that there are countless millions we cannot do a thing for and that, too, is impossibly hard.

You are loved. You love. Happy birthday to dear Sophie whom you have kept safe and secure for al these years with your fierce and unrelenting love.

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I guess moths prefer black tee-shirts and sweaters. Thank you for your kind words.

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

What a beautiful, radiant smile Sophie has. I’m so sorry about your mother, I’ll include all of you in my loving kindness meditation. I hope your father is holding up ok.



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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

Happy birthday to Sophie and the photo is beautiful, as is her smile. Miss Katie turns thirty in June which is hard to believe. She continues to do well and enjoys life now and has a roommate with whom she gets along.

I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hate fucking cancer. I had a patient the other day, an older man with metastatic cancer, widowed three years ago. He wants to see his wife again but his forty something daughter has leukemia and is having a stem cell transplant in September so he wants to live long enough to see that happen and then he wants to join his wife. His doctor ordered a psych consult because the man was thinking about dying. The man is dying. We have a fucked up society when it comes to death.

Sending hugs and love to you and I will add your mom to my prayer list.

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Oh dear, the moths in our lives are the least problem of all. But thy eat into our clothes a metaphor of all you write here so poignantly.

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Thank you. Yes.

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

Goddammit about your mom’s diagnosis! WTF?! Regarding Sophie, I always appreciate your brilliant honesty because you know, and of course you do, it’s a very hard job to take care of someone for so long and you love them and you hate what they go through and you also appreciate the very sweet moments. It’s all a jumble. I remember when your son said who lives like this ! The innocent and honest comment hit the nail right on the head. All I am left with, Elizabeth, is that I hold your family in my arms and in my heart. Love is all there is.

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Thank you so much, Tara, for your never-ending support and fierceness!

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

I am sorry to hear about your mother, Elizabeth. I pray in my own way and will include her. Happy Birthday to your beautiful Sophie! It's unbelievable how time flies. I hear you and agree completely on everything you wrote - most especially the things that take up our minds and time when so much is happening of consequence in the world. I'm sending you a big hug.

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Love right back at you, Joanne. Thank you.

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

I will keep your mom and you in my thoughts. Happy Birthday to Sophie!

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Thank you so much!

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How is it I've never seen a photo of Sophie like that, sitting up, smiling, OBVIOUSLY enjoying her birthday! Love it, love it, love it.

I have an adult son with cerebral palsy and accompanying development delays, as you probably know or at least have guessed; I don't spell it out too often, do I. He has met his physical challenges without complaint and, I'm pretty sure, without even wondering why. He's happily enjoying his life and, in spite of that parental grief of which you speak (the knowledge of the lives Sophie and Emil might otherwise be leading and are not), I am so very grateful that he has the life he has. He is among the lucky. And I'm glad to see Sophie in this picture. She looks like she's feeling pretty lucky, too. xoxox -Kate

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Thank you so much for your comments and support -- I would love to hear more about your son Emil.

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Elizabeth: He's a character. Best thing I ever did.

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