Thank you Elizabeth. You are ok. Sophie is ok. And we will be ok, too. But what that will look like, and how it will feel, there's no telling. I suppose being ok means we survive whatever comes. Because that's what we do. We live to fight and love and laugh and hold each other, another day.

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I remember when Katrina was poised to hit New Orleans and our friend Lon was here and he said, "New Orleans is not going to be okay."

I think of that often. I guess you could say that hey, look! New Orleans IS okay now, but for the families of the lives lost, for the people who's homes were washed away, who's lives will never be quite okay again, it's not really.

I feel like that time before Katrina hit now. We knew it would be bad. But we had no idea how bad and the levees did not hold and I am not sure that the levees we have erected to withhold our democracy in safely will either.

I wish I were a little more optimistic, at least about the human spirit and will to survive but I'm having a real hard time.

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Also, I read this post by one of my favorite writers today -- I read it before the election, and I've been thinking about it ever since. I commented there, too. https://antonia.substack.com/p/the-deep-ethics-of-optimism-d0b

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I get it and feel much the same as you. My quiet little story wasn't meant to downplay stuff -- Sophie's life wasn't ever ok again, ever, but then again, she is ok. We're living. That's pretty much what I meant, but I probably didn't convey it well. I meant in no way to belittle people's suffering or the damage to come.

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No. This post is magnificent, as all of yours are, Elizabeth. And we each write from our own perspective. I know what you meant and I agree with it. We WILL go on. Absolutely. Even our country. I am just feeling so...what? Non-philosophical about the election? My better angels have taken flight. My fear is gray and dense and probably just a reflection of my own mental state which is notoriously not great. But I thank all the powers that be for people like you who remind us that the only way through something is through it. Heads down, hands on, hearts as full of hope as possible.

I love you dearly. You teach me all the time.

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Listening to that song now as I read Finding the Mother Tree because that’s all I feel capable of this morning. I’m so glad you and Sophie and your family are in my orbit. Big love.

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We will be OK. Beautiful.

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I love you.

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Beautifully hopeful. I’m listening to Doris Kearns Goodwin’s book “an Unfinished Love Story” which recounts some of darkest moments in our history especially for Africa Americans. It traces some of JFK, LBJ, RFK’s hopes for a Great Society to the despair following MLKJR’s untimely assassination. And yes, We Shall Overcome. As you have. As Sophie has. As America will.

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Sometimes getting to "ok" is absolutely exhausting. I'm glad you're ok and Sophie is, too, and I hope it stays that way. I love you.

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What a brilliant post. Thank you.

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This is the perfect song for our times. And Rosemaries comment is pretty spot on perfect too. Sending love.



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Also, that song. Goosebumps.

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I adore u. (And have always loved this song.)

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Everything, Elizabeth.

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If ever there was an anthem for these days, American Tune is it.

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This song is a masterpiece. And so appropriate for now, though I didn't realize it until I read your post.

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Dear blessed Elizabeth.


Andrew Scott-I heard this during the pandemic. I love you and Sophie and all of us.


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Thank you. What a perfect song, too

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