How good to hear about Carl's Snowy Owl in contrast to life in the 'big shitty' and all that lies between. Parenting is indeed a bitter sweet thing, the way the things you miss are soon things for which you're grateful, some of them at least. And then, before you know it, there are other joys. And sorrows. You can't call it post parenting. I doubt that ever happens. We always worry for our children. At least I do. But as they grow older and older and older, they keep on giving in different ways. They help to frame my perspective on life as I see yours have done for you. Especially Sophie with her endless challenges and gifts. I stand in awe of you, Elizabeth. the way you grab life by the tusks and keep on hauling.

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Thank you, Elisabeth, for your kind and generous words. We have been reading and supporting one another for a really long time! I’m grateful for that --

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

As soon as I read about the owl, I knew Carl would find it! So cool. You have beautiful things there in California. I miss the lemons and the ocean, but I love the snow.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

Wishing you and your family peace in this new year. Grateful that you share your journey, your insights, your impressions, Elizabeth. Sending love from a few blocks away. (and maybe Carl will share a photo of the snowy owl :). xo

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Let’s make a plan for coffee, Nancy!

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

All the best to your beautiful family this year. Can’t wait to see Carl’s photo!



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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

There is something so cozy and artistic about the inside of your home, the books piled up, the colors, the clear love of good and nutritious food, the realness and love in every corner. Sophie looks beautiful and serene, the light on her face. I wonder what she is thinking? Happy new year, my dear friend. Henry moving into his own place is a rite of passage. It means you did something exactly right, because don't we raise them to fly with their own wings? He will still be around, and every time he walks through your door will be a brand new opportunity to wrap him in a bear hug. Your children have grown up wonderfully in your care.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

Carl got a shot of the owl? How amazing! Even here we are seeing news about the bird.

It is disconcerting (to say the least) when our children move out of the house. But of course it is the way it must be unless we want to live in family compounds, I guess. Do we? Sometimes I think I would love that and at other times I think of how much I love my peace and quiet.

One of guilty pleasures is watching trashy TV about realtors selling and buying the choice bits of California. Selling Sunset. Buying Beverly Hills...and so forth. It is all such a completely different world than the one I live in. There certainly are parts of it which are beautiful.

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Happy everything! And I'm happy for your friend who got to see the snowy owl. I used to see them fairly frequently when I lived just a ways up north, on the CSKT Reservation. At night, driving, their huge wingbeats on the outer edge of my high beams ... it was otherworldly. Thank you for the memory....

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That might be the prettiest picture of LA that I’ve ever seen! But you stole my heart with the lemons. The only in-person Meyer lemons I’ve ever seen are on the occasions when Costco sell them. I can almost smell yours. 💗

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Email me with yr mailing address. I will send you a few! elsophie@gmail.com

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I wouldn't do that to you! A picture now and then, and a reminder that places exist where people can just go out and *pick lemons*, is gift enough. 🥰

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

Happy New Year. I can almost smell the lemons.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

Snowy owls and lemons, both sound wonderful. As for the rain, I saw photos of flooding in Northern California and thought of you, wondering if you were having rain too.

It's been more than twenty years since my son moved out, hard to believe it's been that long, my middle daughter, fourteen years. To be honest, I'm glad they're gone, although a new person has taken their place.

I hope that you and your children and Carl all have a good year. Sending hugs and love.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

Beautiful. Happy New Year.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

Wishing you, your family and Carl a very happy new year, filled with health, love and peace❤️

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Happy New Year to you, Elizabeth! May the glory of your sons’ visits/stays be with you for a good while after they leave. Enjoy! Them and the snowy owl’s presence in your environs.

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Someone once said about Charles Laughton that he could read aloud from the yellow pages and make it fascinating. You do that in your blog: You can write about anything and make me want to read more. Just don't stop. Thank you, Elizabeth.

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Elizabeth: speaking of rain, are you and fam ok?

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Beautiful photo of Sophie! All the best to you, Sophie, your sons, the Bird Photographer and all your loved ones in the new year.

Have you ever read this book?


The Snowy Owl so far south of its usual habitat brought that book to mind. The book is a favorite of mine. Snowy Owls are seen now and then where I live on the Salish Sea coast of Washington State. I know people who have seen them here, but I've not seen one. Yet (-:

Looking forward to seeing the Bird Photographer's photos.

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