What a basketful of goodies you share with us and this day. George Herbert dining with Billy Collins. Poets spreading out the picnic blanket and offering sustenance for our souls. Thank you so much, Elizabeth. Yes, because ART!
"I’ve always told my kids that Armageddon is a continuous thing, that it lives in the minds and memories of people who’ve suffered incredible loss and endured mind-blowing tragedy forever. I’ve also told them that doing the right thing, no matter if one “wins” or “loses” is an imperative for me — or, at least (because we all do stuff that we are ashamed of or feel remorse for), something to which I always aspire." ❤️
The Peace of Wild Things brought tears to my eyes.
The fires made me go through my old photos, toss and keep. I gave a bunch to my daughter and made an album for my son, but he'll probably never see it. Maybe his sons will. I can hope. That's all we can do, get up and hope for one more day.
I so relate to the “what to gather up” angst, (we packed, unpacked, repacked, at least 3 times this summer as Milton ramped up to 180 mph and then down again, swirling to and away from us.) And thank you thank you for the poems, Gilbert, Berry, Collins, 3 faves, and the others, new to me, to hold onto and to hold fast with. Love to you, on this day.💔
I am stuck in my own muck and mire. Not so stuck that I can’t reach out (and do) to others and offer some kind of solace. But little moves me today. Can only take in so much. FB is for dhit but does offer an anchor of sorts. MLK Day today and the orang e beast in what should be at least a semblance of a sacred place for democracy. Substack a bit better but feel like if I’m not careful I’ll be in traffic for a long time.
Your perspectives and reminders that art can lead the way (my interpretation), can provide sustenance is a great reminder of so much that’s good in the world. Sometimes it’s just hard to see it.
Thank you, Elizabeth and all. Tomorrow is another day. Now, if I can just find my effing plug so I can get some juice in my work phone.
Thank you for your presence today, prompting me to think about what I'd take in an emergency at this very moment. First thought: my cat. Harpo. Cat food. His travel crate.
¡Half Magic! Don't remember what that book is about but what I remember is that I loved it. Did remember the green, black and white cover once I found it in a Google search. Do remember wanting to live in a world where there was magic, wanting to escape this world. Loved the Narnia books. Had no idea that they had anything to do with Christianity. Felt, through every cell of my being, the reassuring presence of Aslan with no religious overtones at all.
!To the Lighthouse and Emily Dickinson! Later wanting to live in this world where there is Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson, Bob Dylan, Martin Luther KIng, Jr., to name just four.
I’m so thankful you’re safe, Elizabeth, and here’s hoping that you and Sophie can stay put.
Today feels desperate for me. I could not turn a t.v. on, nor read news. I can, and have, read substack. I don’t feel so all alone out here. I.G. became an A.I. hell and I disbanded. Missing friends from around the world.
What a basketful of goodies you share with us and this day. George Herbert dining with Billy Collins. Poets spreading out the picnic blanket and offering sustenance for our souls. Thank you so much, Elizabeth. Yes, because ART!
Also I ADORE Yellow Glove
Here is what I am thinking today: I feel sick.
That is all I can manage.
"I’ve always told my kids that Armageddon is a continuous thing, that it lives in the minds and memories of people who’ve suffered incredible loss and endured mind-blowing tragedy forever. I’ve also told them that doing the right thing, no matter if one “wins” or “loses” is an imperative for me — or, at least (because we all do stuff that we are ashamed of or feel remorse for), something to which I always aspire." ❤️
Thank you, Elizabeth!
Oh yes the poems the poems the poems! THANK YOU.
The Peace of Wild Things brought tears to my eyes.
The fires made me go through my old photos, toss and keep. I gave a bunch to my daughter and made an album for my son, but he'll probably never see it. Maybe his sons will. I can hope. That's all we can do, get up and hope for one more day.
Oh Elizabeth, these POEMS!! This curated selection, read in this order, just now, today. Weep! I’m so grateful for them.
I so relate to the “what to gather up” angst, (we packed, unpacked, repacked, at least 3 times this summer as Milton ramped up to 180 mph and then down again, swirling to and away from us.) And thank you thank you for the poems, Gilbert, Berry, Collins, 3 faves, and the others, new to me, to hold onto and to hold fast with. Love to you, on this day.💔
I am stuck in my own muck and mire. Not so stuck that I can’t reach out (and do) to others and offer some kind of solace. But little moves me today. Can only take in so much. FB is for dhit but does offer an anchor of sorts. MLK Day today and the orang e beast in what should be at least a semblance of a sacred place for democracy. Substack a bit better but feel like if I’m not careful I’ll be in traffic for a long time.
Your perspectives and reminders that art can lead the way (my interpretation), can provide sustenance is a great reminder of so much that’s good in the world. Sometimes it’s just hard to see it.
Thank you, Elizabeth and all. Tomorrow is another day. Now, if I can just find my effing plug so I can get some juice in my work phone.
Thank you for your presence today, prompting me to think about what I'd take in an emergency at this very moment. First thought: my cat. Harpo. Cat food. His travel crate.
¡Half Magic! Don't remember what that book is about but what I remember is that I loved it. Did remember the green, black and white cover once I found it in a Google search. Do remember wanting to live in a world where there was magic, wanting to escape this world. Loved the Narnia books. Had no idea that they had anything to do with Christianity. Felt, through every cell of my being, the reassuring presence of Aslan with no religious overtones at all.
!To the Lighthouse and Emily Dickinson! Later wanting to live in this world where there is Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson, Bob Dylan, Martin Luther KIng, Jr., to name just four.
Thank you for your beautiful words - for so many years - and especially on days like this 💗
I’m so thankful you’re safe, Elizabeth, and here’s hoping that you and Sophie can stay put.
Today feels desperate for me. I could not turn a t.v. on, nor read news. I can, and have, read substack. I don’t feel so all alone out here. I.G. became an A.I. hell and I disbanded. Missing friends from around the world.
Really hoping today isn't the Beginning of the EotW. Day 1/1460.
Love this Elizabeth!
Elizabeth, Thank you for your words and the poetry💚 Love to you and family.