Sharing this list and sending lots of love and prayers. My brother is in LA and is staying alert. Glad you are safe and supported.

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Just saw the news about this an hour ago. I'm so sorry, glad you are safe, will be keeping an eye out, and thank you for sharing resources! Sending solidarity from wildfire country to wildfire country ...

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Fortunately disasters bring out the best in people and for that I am thankful. I hope the firefighters are able to get the fires under control. A wildfire ripped through Jasper in July and our friend lost his house, along with a third of the town.

Please be careful.

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Sharing Mutual Aid LA's Network (MALAN)- Fire & Wind Storm Resources : Available Resources Google Sheet to support the cause- tiny.cc/malan-fire

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Hello, Elizabeth. Saw your post just as you put it up. Immediately shared it in my page. Thinking about you, your family and your home. Thank you for the info. Worried sick about the fires. Keeping you in my thoughts and sending you blessings and as many good jujus as there are. Love, Sandra

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Glad you are safe, hope you have a really good air filter and that the fires are under control sooner than later. Sending love. x0x0 N2

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Keeping you all in my thoughts! Thanks for this list!! 💗

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Keeping you and Sophie in our thoughts and prayers. There are no words to truly convey our concern, but we hold hope for all. 💔

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Thank you so very much for sharing these resources. Those of us outside of LA are trying our best to find support and resources for our loved ones there. Please keep using this platform to share any quality information you hear of.

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