Feb 3, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

Hi Chris. This Chris is a woman who was a foster kid and had a very hard time going to college. I worked relentlessly and did manage to go to a fancy art school. I attended CalArts in Valencia.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

Katie was the same, no answers, but I'm glad I did the genetic testing anyway. Who knows what the future will bring. Between 1992 when Katie was born and today, the human genome has been mapped, not something we could have imagined in the '90s. Katie's DNA will go forward to be studied in clinical trials. They can't fix anything but maybe she can contribute to our knowledge of DNA and more importantly, when things go wrong with our DNA.

I didn't know anything about Medea, so I read about her in wikipedia. I wouldn't be able to contribute anything meaningful about the book, as I won't be reading it (sounds depressing) but I wish I could just sit in and listen.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

Well, you did what you could to satisfy some curiosity. I commend you for that.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

Emailing you my info for the Relentless zoom now. Also, this is beautiful writing. It does not mask your pain.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Aquino

Whelp, indeed.

I'm sorry you didn't get some answers. Maybe it's more proof that she's from the sea - otherworldly - here visiting and teaching along the way.

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"To keep on in a focused way unsentimentally describing the world as one sees it is relentless and I believe the task of art and literature."

I don't know who Chris Rice is but I think this quote is off the mark. Unsentimentally? What exactly is wrong with sentiment? Especially in art and literature? Rice sounds like a Very Serious white dude who graduated from a prestigious MFA program, so I looked him up.

I found some stuff. I hope it's a different guy. 😬

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My beloved friend Chris wrote this: https://joylandmagazine.com/nonfiction/she-elegies/

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Oh, thank goodness. ❤️

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